Living as a project manager
Posted on December 3, 2024
A friend mentioned that his project manager was “born for the job.” He said his PM has lived his whole life acting, sounding, and BEING like a project manager in whatever he does. That started some thinking about how exactly a project manager behaves. Here are some thoughts about the special person who “lives as a project manager.” They:
Plan always! Project managers love a plan. They don’t have to enjoy the planning process (yours truly doesn’t enjoy planning very much), but they never go forward without a plan. Scrutinizing a plan for potential weaknesses or impracticalities is always mandatory. For the person who lives as a project manager, the scrutiny isn’t about being picky or looking to criticize others. It’s the opportunity to examine possibilities, collect perceptions and ideas, and create the best way forward for all involved.
Communicates when it’s easy or when it is challenging. Keeping everyone abreast of what is going on comes naturally to the person who lives like a project manager. Ensuring people are on the same page and moving forward together is enjoyable. The “project management native” also doesn’t shy away from having a difficult conversation. They understand that “bad news ages like milk, not wine.” Achieving a desired outcome or resolving a disagreement must happen, or the road ahead will become very difficult. A bumpy road ahead is a situation that should be avoided, and the person who is a project manager to the core knows this and holds the needed difficult conversations with preparation but without hesitation.
Are present in the moment AND focused on tomorrow. Project managers are focused on active listening. They understand that what is being said often is deeper than the words used. What isn’t said, tone of voice or body language frequently adds context and depth to the words used. Project managers are present with their stakeholders and the current status of their projects, be it at work or at home. Also, they have their eyes on the pathway to success. They focus on what is needed, nurturing the skills and people they have to help with that pathway.
Live by the clock. Project managers know that time is a commodity that you can’t reclaim. You can lose your health and work to get it back. You can lose money and work to rebuild your financial position. But time? You don’t get that back. True project managers aren’t late often because they don’t want to waste a minute of their or their stakeholder’s time.
Embrace to-do lists. What is a project schedule other than a sophisticated to-do list? All the true project managers I know always have a to-do list for what they want to accomplish. It may be on a slip of paper, in a piece of software, written in their calendar, or scattered on sticky notes in their office, but there is always a list of things to accomplish. And the very best project managers I know who accomplish something that isn’t on their to-do list…add it to the list so they can cross it out. (It’s ok to admit that you do that – it’s good to have a sense of accomplishment!)
Appreciate a wide variety of skills and look to capitalize on them. “People are our most important asset” is a phrase that corporations often banter around. The project manager persona takes this to heart. Any skills presented in any way that can help deliver a project are embraced and valued.
Are always approachable! Project managers need to understand the issues with their projects and their stakeholders’ perceptions. This can’t happen unless they are open and people are comfortable talking with them, regardless of the subject matter. Project managers are people persons!